How to Read a Human Design Chart

Sep 11, 2023

Unlocking Your Child's True Potential

In our journey of conscious and aware parenting, one powerful tool that can help us deeply understand our children's uniqueness is the Human Design chart. This incredible system allows us to view our children through a new lens, providing insights into their fundamental aspects: Type, Aura, Strategy, and Authority.

In this blog post, I'll walk you through the process of obtaining yours and your child's Human Design chart from reputable sources like and We'll also explore how to read and interpret these charts, focusing on the four Types (each with their corresponding Aura and Strategy), and the seven Authorities, which together will help you nurture your child's true potential.


Getting Started with Human Design Charts

Before diving into the specifics of Type, Aura, Strategy, and Authority, it's essential to know where and how to obtain a Human Design chart for your child.

Obtaining Your Child's Human Design Chart:
- Jovian Archive: A trusted source for Human Design charts, it provides accurate and detailed charts. Follow their user-friendly process to generate yours and your child's chart.
- My Bodygraph: Another reputable platform that offers easy-to-use chart generation tools.


Understanding the Fundamentals

Now that you have your child's Human Design chart in hand, let's explore the fundamental aspects that will help you understand your child better.

Type, Aura, and Strategy

  • Type: Your child's Type reveals their inherent nature and how they interact with the world. The four Types are Manifestor, Generator (with a sub-type of Manifesting Generator), Projector, and Reflector. Understanding your child's Type can provide insights into their decision-making process and how they best express themselves.
  • Aura: Each Type has a unique energy Aura. Your Aura speaks before you do; it's how others feel your energy. Understanding your child's Aura can help you create a nurturing environment that aligns with their natural energy flow.
  • Strategy: Strategy is about how your child can best navigate life with the least resistance. Each Type has a corresponding Strategy that works together with the energetic Aura and guides our interactions with others. Learning your child's Strategy can assist you in guiding them towards making choices that align with their true nature.


The Four Types, Auras & Strategies

Understanding your child's Type, Strategy, and Aura can be a valuable step in nurturing their true nature and helping them thrive in the world according to their unique design.


  • Strategy: To Inform
    - Manifestors have the Strategy of informing. This means they are encouraged to inform others before taking action on their own. It allows them to maintain healthy relationships and avoid resistance from those around them.
  • Aura: Closed & Repelling
    - The Manifestor's aura is closed and repelling. It can often feel abrupt or distant to others because it's designed to protect the Manifestor's energy and independence. People may feel the need to step back when a Manifestor enters a room.

Generator (and Manifesting Generator):

  • Strategy: Wait to Respond
    - Generators and Manifesting Generators have the Strategy of waiting to respond. They should wait for something outside of themselves to spark their interest or response before taking action. This ensures they engage in activities that align with their true desires and passions.
  • Aura: Open & Enveloping
    - The Generator's aura is open and enveloping. Like a magnet, it draws people and opportunities toward them when they are operating correctly. This aura invites interactions and connections with others.


  • Strategy: Wait for Invitation
    - Projectors have the Strategy of waiting for an invitation. Instead of initiating, they should wait for others to recognise their unique qualities and invite them to participate. This ensures that Projectors engage in endeavours where their expertise is valued.
  • Aura: Focused & Absorbing
    - The Projector's aura is focused and absorbing. It allows them to deeply understand the energy and dynamics of the people around them. Projectors can offer valuable insights and guidance when invited.


  • Strategy: Wait a Lunar Cycle
    - Reflectors have the unique Strategy of waiting through an entire lunar cycle, roughly 28 days, before making major decisions. This extended waiting period allows them to gain clarity and avoid hasty choices.
  • Aura: Resistant & Sampling
    - The Reflector's aura is resistant and sampling, meaning it reflects the energies of others and the environment. It's highly sensitive and can provide them with insights into the collective energy. Reflectors should be in environments that are harmonious for them.

The Seven Authorities and Decision-Making

Now, let's delve into the seven different Authorities and how they affect parenting. Your child's authority is how they are uniquely designed to make decisions. Some are more instant and others need time. You and your child may have entirely different decision-making authorities!

  • Emotional Authority: Children with Emotional Authority may need time to process their emotions before making decisions. This could mean they need days to make life-changing decisions. Be patient and allow them to express their feelings.
  • Sacral Authority: Sacral Authorities have a strong gut response that operates on a yes/no. They do well being asked closed questions when it comes to making decisions. 
  • Splenic Authority: Children with Splenic Authority have a deep intuitive knowing. Encourage them to trust their instincts and don't question them.
  • Self-Projected Authority: These children need to talk through decisions. Create space for open communication and active listening without interrupting or giving advice.
  • Ego Authority: Ego Authorities have a strong sense of self and know what they want. Trust their 'wants' are not selfish but designed to serve the greater good.
  • Mental Authority: Children with Mental Authority need a safe space and person to be a sounding board for them so they can vocalise what is going on inside and hear themselves speak. 
  • Lunar Authority: Lunar Authority belongs only to Reflector types, who have a cyclical decision-making process. Support them in recognising their natural rhythms, giving them plenty of time and space when making big decisions.


If this has piqued your curiosity and you want to dive deeper, including receiving some tips on how to manage and balance a household with different types, strategies and authorities, check out my ebook: How Not To Mess Up Your Kids.


By obtaining and interpreting your child's Human Design chart, you are taking a significant step towards conscious and aware parenting. Embracing their Type, Aura, Strategy, and Authority allows you to create a nurturing and supportive environment that enables your child to thrive and fulfil their true potential while breaking generational cycles.

Remember, the journey of understanding your child's Human Design is ongoing. It's a dynamic tool that can guide you in raising your children according to their true nature. By doing so, you empower them to grow up feeling seen, heard, and understood, reducing the need for therapy later in life.

As you embark on this empowering journey, know that you're not alone. I'm here with you, every step of the way, in creating a brighter future for your children.


If you're a visual learner, I've included some screen shots with explanation below. You can also find this post on my Instagram.



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